Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Thirty Senators

Senate Amendment 2588 to HR 3326 was proposed a few days ago. Thirty Senators, including Corker and Alexander, voted against it. We, as Tennesseans, all need to ask ourselves, "Why?"

Actually, better yet, we need to ask our Senators "Why?" Every Tennessean reading this, click that link, call or write your Senators, and demand an explanation. If they won't answer, they need to be removed from office.

These thirty Senators voted against an amendment which proposed a new rule for US military contractors: they must not have binding arbitration clauses in their employment contracts which forbid employees from taking cases of sexual assault or racial discrimination to court. In simpler terms, it means that if someone is raped, that person must be allowed to take the case to court.

How is this something you vote against!? Having your day in court is a fundamental right of all people. Without that, every law protecting you is meaningless, because it can never be enforced.

Unfortunately for all of us, these Senators won't be up for re-election until 2012 and 2014, respectively. This is yet another good reason why we need a much easier process to recall congressmen who do not do their job.

This vote does not serve the people, any people, anywhere. Corker and Alexander need to answer for their actions, or be removed.


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